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Justinian News

Goings On ... UPDATE ... Late breaking details ... Dr. Thom sniffing around the Federal Court ... Ceremonial footage chopped ... Judicial review of AAT decisions ... Apprehended bias ... Grief from a Senior Member ... Prejudgment ... Theodora with the latest edition of Goings On ... Read more >> 

Politics Media Law Society

Dangerous liaisons ... The real story of Water Softener and Planet … A blizzard of prejudicial communications … How to derail an inquiry … From the Defamatorium … Reynolds v Higgins trial goes to sleep while judge tries to work out what it’s all about … Alex Greenwich v Mark Latham … Sizzling Fn’Q ... Read on ... 

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Justinian Columnists

A judge created fantasy ... The Crown and its immunity ... Blackfellas out West denied basic health and housing by Sand Groper regime ... Legislation ignored ... Class action underway ... The wavering fronds of the presumption ... Clinging to the Jacobeans ... Procrustes inveighs ... Read more >> 

Blow the whistle


News snips ...


Costs will not be awarded against applicants in court claims for sex harassment and discrimination ... Implementation of the missing bit in the ALRC's Respect@Work recommendations ... More >>

Justinian's Bloggers

Degrees of punishment ... Green, blue and red computers ... The labyrinthine path to education in pokey ... Patchwork arrangements that freeze out prisoners from getting a degree or certificate ... Dark age policy that keeps felons in their place ... Veronica Lenard reports ... Read more >> 

"I used to live in Glebe and, as a young person, went to protests against cuts to the ABC, so I am horrified to have to go into battle with them. It is personally deeply upsetting that an institution I regard so highly is a constant opponent.

Defamation lawyer Rebekah Giles, who acted for OnlyFans star Heston Russell against the ABC and collected $390,00 in damages plus costs. The Sydney Morning Herald's CBD column, September 19, 2024 ... Read more flatulence ... 

For the latest developments in media law … 

Justinian Featurettes

Tootsies with Planet Janet ... Water Softener and the Planet ... Further details of the width and depth of their relationship ... Chief Justice of the ACT grants Justinian's application for access to more documents ... A barrage of text messages and phone calls throughout the Drumgold investigation ... Collated reporting ... More on Sofronoff and Albrechtsen ... Read more ... 

Justinian's archive

Heydon, Albrechtsen and Meagher ... Albrechting ... Journalists believed Janet Albrechtsen would be an associate to Dyson Heydon on High ... Sadly, not so ... More arch remarks from the authors of Meagher, Gummow & Lehane’s Equity Doctrines & Remedies (4th edition) ... Read more ... 




The cuckoo's nest

Authorities back off newspaper ban for Crow Eating prisoners ... Madam Cash stars in ABA divine comedy ... Court orders law shop to pay the money back ... Vic's new silks required to keep their hands to themselves ... Job swap in Phillip Street ... Theodora reports 

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Anyone for soup?

A Witness of Fact, reviewed by Procrustes ... The shocking case of the under-qualified chief pathologist ... A trail of flawed evidence and miscarried justice ... The dangers of the impregnable loner 

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Curb your rights

Human rights are far too flakey for this regime ... Captains' picks undermine the independence of the Human Rights Commission ... Global assessment body asks for a proper selection process ... Shameful B-status looms ... Labor Party changes shoes on the Collaery case ... Affront to the rule of law ... Lectures burned at UTas law school ... Theodora reports 

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Tribulation at the tribunal

AAT ... Liberal appointment makes a hash of it ... Failed to engage with submissions ... Misapplication of the law ... Start again ... Pre-election festival of appointments ... 12 years after a compensation claim was filed there's still no final determination ... Obstruction and errors 

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Getting kids to school

NSW ... March of the state ... Regulatory paralysis of the right to protest ... Law n' Order ... Roads, bridges, tunnels, smelters, steelworks, ports, coal-fired power stations - all out of bounds ... Perrottet and pals take on the activists ... Max Shanahan reporting 

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Trump judges rule the roost

Unqualified judicial appointments prop-up Republican agenda ... Gerrymanders tip democracy off its perch ... Tame media recycles the fictions ... CJ Roberts changes sides ... Government torture back on the rack ... America the not-so-beautiful ... Roger Fitch,  Our Man in Washington, reports 

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Freeing judges to be human

Sifting the digital histories of lawyers headed to the judiciary ... Social media engagement that shows a life led more fully may also act as a disqualification ... Judges being louche as youngsters is not something we're used to ... We should adapt, otherwise the selection pond gets smaller ... From Nina Dillon Britton 

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At the Vladitorium

It has been headline time for Vlad the Impaler ... Esteemed employee struck off the jam roll ... Atanaskovic Hartnell even wanted to charge the client for tracking his stolen money ... Then there was the Elizabeth Kelly case ... The bully division ... Fear of managing partner's tendency to "denigrate" and hold "grudges" ... Max Shanahan and Henry Chen report 

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No tickets on him

Barrister with personality issues ... Plying the trade while unticketed ... Multiple breaches ... Nose thumbed at authority of the court ... Criminal contempt ... Janek Drevikovsky reports 

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