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Roll call for silk ... 109 NSW barristers have their hands up for silken acknowledgement ... Bar's secret list for 2024 unmasked ... Stampede to exit the junior bar ... Finery ... Embroidery ... The annual Silk Bazaar ... Scoop ... Read more >> 

Politics Media Law Society

Dangerous liaisons ... The real story of Water Softener and Planet … A blizzard of prejudicial communications … How to derail an inquiry … From the Defamatorium … Reynolds v Higgins trial goes to sleep while judge tries to work out what it’s all about … Alex Greenwich v Mark Latham … Sizzling Fn’Q ... Read on ... 

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A judge created fantasy ... The Crown and its immunity ... Blackfellas out West denied basic health and housing by Sand Groper regime ... Legislation ignored ... Class action underway ... The wavering fronds of the presumption ... Clinging to the Jacobeans ... Procrustes inveighs ... Read more >> 

Blow the whistle


News snips ...

"Judge Water Softener" to give a lecture to the Institute of Arbitrarors on "multicultural ethics and professionalism" ... More >> 


Justinian's Bloggers

Degrees of punishment ... Green, blue and red computers ... The labyrinthine path to education in pokey ... Patchwork arrangements that freeze out prisoners from getting a degree or certificate ... Dark age policy that keeps felons in their place ... Veronica Lenard reports ... Read more >> 

"This is not a workplace event ... It's not workplace sexual harassment ..." 

Martin Bennett, lawyer for Senator Linda Reynolds, seeking to put distance between his client and Brittany Higgins' office rape ... Reynolds v Higgins, September 3, 2024 ... Read more flatulence ... 

For the latest developments in media law … 

Justinian Featurettes

Winners and grinners ... Smiling policy for lawyers ... Better coordination required ... When smiling runs amok ... Happy lawyers and glum clients ... Delighted clients and anxious lawyers ... Moments of intense seriousness ... Delirious money shots ... From Justinian's Photographic Editor ... Read more ... 

Justinian's archive

Heydon, Albrechtsen and Meagher ... Albrechting ... Journalists believed Janet Albrechtsen would be an associate to Dyson Heydon on High ... Sadly, not so ... More arch remarks from the authors of Meagher, Gummow & Lehane’s Equity Doctrines & Remedies (4th edition) ... Read more ... 




Raring to go to Norfolk

Justice Rares tells the Crown not to bother him with trifles concerning the cost of hearing a case on Norfolk island ... Treating the Federal Court as a "small agency" of the Commonwealth ... "Interests of justice" ... Rant from the bench ... Stephen Murray reports 

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Beautiful Palm Beach ... don't go there 

Palm Beach, directed by Rachel Ward and starring the usual suspects ... Sponsored by the NSW government, so you know what to expect ... The stars phone it in ... Miss Lumière hacks the celluloid to pieces 


News from the Street of Shame

Money, money, money ... Fat fees per day for Sydney silkies ... Tom Bathurst's looming departure ... Ka-ching - the governor's property clean-up ... High Court suppression tussle ... Theodora reports 

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Poor old Davo

The Bill Davidson story ... Another chapter in the bankrupt barrister saga ... Application to rejoin the jam roll rejected ... Failure to come to grips with past "moral" lapses ... Inability to manage income and tax ... Janek Drevikovsky reporting 

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The Sal Vasta file ... A rummage through recent history ... Bombast and bulling  ... Lashings of contempt ... Errors of law ... "Mentoring" underway ... Ginger Snatch, an associate of judges, reports 

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Fuel fights

The real world at variance with the claustrophobia of defamation proceedings ... Relevant facts missing from judge's reasons ... United Petroleum franchise distress ... Damages of $72,347.40 ... Default judgment entered and then court approves a warrant for the arrest of the missing respondent ... The missing backstory 

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The future - it's horrible

Future of Law and Innovation Conference struggled with the technology ... Plentiful lunch options ...  AI ... Kirby adjudicated debate on "Uberisation" of lawyers ... How to use LinkedIn ... Space law ... Techno fonts ... Lawyerly prospects when technology fails ... Justice in the era of "late capitalism" ... Theodora reports 

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David Hunt remembered

Former NSW defamation judge and chief judge at common law dies at age 84 ... The List with Socratic case management ... Defamation exotica ... Refinement of pleadings, perhaps over-refinement ... Prodigious worker ... International criminal law ... UN criminal tribunals for Yugoslavia and Rwanda ... A league of his own ... Tributes from Graham HryceDavid RolphJustice Mark Ierace and Judge Judith Gibson 

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Boris in the bullrushes

How Boris Johnson peddled falsehoods all the way to Number 10 ... Perverse denunciation of European Court of Justice ruling about third-party insurance for off-road vehicles ... Beats-ups from Telegraph columnist that appeal to little Englanders ... "Undemocratic law-making" in a post-truth era ... Vnuked by the facts ... Procrustes on the case 

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