Hullo sailor
Saturday, January 1, 2000
Justinian in Deja Vu, Law Week

From Justinian's archive comes this compelling explanation as to why NSW's 1992 Law Week festivities had to be delayed ... Attorney General Collins was jammed ... Call of the Coral Sea ... Deja Vu

Collins: double bookedWell the excitement of Law Week came and went for most of the nation, but for NSW the pleasure is still ahead.

In fact, NSW's Law Week has been carefully scheduled for the end of July, nearly two months after everyone else.

The reason for NSW breaking ranks was that the Bantam of the Opera, Mr Greiner's Attorney General Lt Cmdr P. Collins MP, QC, RANR, wanted to don his whites for a round of the Coral Sea Week festivities.

He would be too heavily booked to do both, said a Law Squeak organiser.

The other states were absolutely shocked that the national Law Week scheme was kyboshed because the NSW attorney wanted to attend cocktail parties with American sailors.

It has only taken eight years to get everyone's act together to have Law Week at the same time round the country on a co-ordinated basis.

In fact, the Law Council had agreed to chip in to fund a national co-ordinator, but that was scuttled when Admiral Collins declared "anchors away boys!"

I'm told that the theme for NSW's week of legal PR festivities is something like Keep in Touch with your Feelings.

Naturally the entries for the Golden Quill are causing great excitement, not to say consternation.

I hear reports that Quentin Dempster's entire book Honest Cops has been entered, as have some of Michael Stutchbury's sexually explicit articles about the legal profession published in the Financial Review.

Article originally appeared on Justinian: Australian legal magazine. News on lawyers and the law (
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