"Maybe a guy in a robe in D.C. can follow all the protocols, but Trump is the fucking President of the United States who protects 300 million plus people. He is a leader who does not have the luxury of opening up his little books to read 'Oh my god, maybe he didn’t do it the right way'. Roberts, shut the fuck up. This is something that a president has to do. He HAS to do this."
"Stalin, Mao, and Hitler didn't murder millions of people. Their public sector employees did."
A statement posted on Twitter/X and reposted by Elon Musk. March 14, 2025
≈ ≈ ≈
"Creative Australia is an advocate for freedom of artistic expression and is not an adjudicator on the interpretation of art. However, the Board believes a prolonged and divisive debate about the 2026 selection outcome poses an unacceptable risk to public support for Australia's artistic community and could undermine our goal of bringing Australians together through art and creativity."
Statement from Creative Australia following its decision to cancel Khaled Sabsabi and curator Michael Dagostino as the creative team to represent Australia at the Venice Biennale 2026, February 13, 2025
≈ ≈ ≈
"Fox and our papers are the only faintly conservative voices against the monolithic liberal media. I believe maintaining this is vital to the future of the English-speaking world."
Rupert Murdoch in correspondence with his former wife Anna Murdoch ... From documents submitted during court proceedings relating to the family trust ... Reported in the New York Times, February 13, 2025
≈ ≈ ≈
"I didn't wish her to be removed. I didn't put pressure on anybody. It's a fantasy of your own imagination. I have nothing to do with her dismissal."
Former chair of the ABC Ita Buttrose giving evidence at the Antoinette Lattouf unfair dismissal case ... Federal Court, February 11, 2015
≈ ≈ ≈
"Just a few months ago, in that beautiful Pennsylvania field, an assassin's bullet ripped through my ear. But I felt then and believe even more so now that my life was saved for a reason. I was saved by God to make America great again."
Donald Trump, at his inaugeration for President of the United States ... January 21, 2025
≈ ≈ ≈
"Today is about Dad's wishes and confirming all of our support for him and for his wishes. It shouldn't be difficult or controversial. Love you, Lachlan."
Lachlan Murdoch's text message to his sister Elisabeth on the eve of a special meeting to discuss altering the family trust so that Lachlan would run and control News Corp and Fox News ... Quoted in the opinion of the Nevada Probate Commissioner who ruled against changing the terms of the trust ... The New York Times, December 9, 2024
≈ ≈ ≈
"The behaviour alleged [against Alan Jones] is entirely out of character with the man I've known."
Peta Credlin, making another of her famous character assessments ... Sky News, November 11, 2024
≈ ≈ ≈
"Over many years, certain journalists employed by Nine (formerly Fairfax) newspapers have been resentful of our client’s prominence as a commentator on many political and cultural issues, and the malicious and concocted allegations giving rise to the imputations constitute a concerted attempt to destroy our client’s reputation."
Following the Sydney Morning Herald's exposure ... Mark O'Brien, Alan Jones' solicitor, December 12, 2023
≈ ≈ ≈
"Calls to produce scalps publicly and promptly are unhelpful."
Major Gen. Paul Brereton, Commissioner of the National Corruption Concealment Commission, defending his secretive and snail paced agenda ... Speaking in Adelaide at a Public Sector Governance Forum ... November 15, 2024
≈ ≈ ≈
"Mistakes of law or fact are a professional inevitability for judges, tribunal members and administrative decision makers."
Paul Brereton, Commissioner of the National Corruption Concealment Commission, downplaying the Inspector's finding of bias and procedural unfairness with his conflicted involvement in the decision making about Robodebt referrals ... October 30, 2024
"As I found in my time in parliament, uniquely among the parties, it is only Liberals who defend the rights of their enemies."
George (Bookshelves) Brandis, writing in The Sydney Morning Herald, October 7, 2024
"I used to live in Glebe and, as a young person, went to protests against cuts to the ABC, so I am horrified to have to go into battle with them. It is personally deeply upsetting that an institution I regard so highly is a constant opponent."
Defamation lawyer Rebekah Giles, who acted for OnlyFans star Heston Russell against the ABC and collected $390,00 in damages plus costs. The Sydney Morning Herald's CBD column, September 19, 2024
"This is not a workplace event ... It's not workplace sexual harassment ..."
Martin Bennett, lawyer for Senator Linda Reynolds, seeking to put distance between his client and Brittany Higgins' office rape ... Reynolds v Higgins, September 3, 2024
"Kamala Harris wore a tan suit to day one of the DNC - what does it mean?"
Headine on The Guardian's report of the opening of the Democratic National Convention in Chicago ... August 20, 2024
"I had respect for her professionalism and her even-handedness. I believe she was fair and balanced."
Senator Linda Reynolds explaining why she leaked privileged documents to Murdoch columnist Janet Albrechtsen. Reynolds v Higgins, WA Supreme Court, August 8, 2024
"In recent months it became clear to me that I could choose to either allow developers free reign over the shire I have fought to protect, or to stand by my principles and face certain replacement as the Liberal Party candidate."
Philip Ruddock, defeated in ballot for Mayor of Hornsby Shire. Father of the Pacific Solution, and children overboard exponent, stands by his "principles". The Sydney Morning Herald, August 6, 2024
"By the way, I'm proud to be, as I said, the first vice-president, first Black woman, to serve with a Black president."
President Joe Biden speaking during an interview on a Philadelphia radio station. July 4, 2024
"I think it's madness to change it. If you walked into a McDonald's hamburger restaurant and they started serving you seafood, you'd be very confused if you were a customer."
Newington College old boy Peter Thomas arguing against the school admitting female students ... Reported in Guardian Australia, June 21, 2024
"Has anyone read the 'Thou shalt not steal'? I mean, has anybody read this incredible stuff? It's just incredible. They don't want it to go up. It's a crazy world."
Donald Trump speaking to the Faith and Freedom Coalition about displaying the Ten Commandments in schools ... Trump's record includes stealing national security documents and hiding them in his bathroom at Mar a Lago ... June 22, 2024
"I've been particularly grateful in recent times for the support from Scott Morrison and from many other witnesses in this trial in terms of the impact this has had on me and many other people as well.
"I've always hoped we could reach settlement before this point, but it doesn't look like we will, so we are going to court because it is far too important.
"I need to clear my name finally after well over three years and so many people have been so damaged by this."
Self-pitying comment from Senator Linda Reynolds, who wasn't raped, on her defamation action against Brittany Higgins, who was raped. It concerns some of Higgins' long forgotten and innocuous social media posts. June 18, 2024
"I have seen it happen a million times … reporters back into the bollards and fall over."
Peter Costello, former chairman of Nine Entertainment. June 6, 2024
"We believe an historic agreement will set new standards for veracity, for virtue and for value in the digital age."
Robert Thomson, the big kahuna at News Corp, announcing a $US250 million deal for OpenAI to use content from Murdoch fishwraps. May 22, 2024
"We're looking at that, and I'm gonna have a policy on that very shortly, and I think it's something that you'll find interesting. And it's another issue that's very interesting, but you will find it, I think, very smart; I think it's a smart decision. But we'll be releasing it very soon."
Donald Trump when asked: "Do you support any restrictions on a person’s right to contraception?" ... Pittsburgh KDKA news station, May 21, 2024
"It was a commercial decision ... To suggest anything else would be inaccurate and disingenuous."
Spokesman for Kerry Stokes explaining the reason for doubling the price of printing the Financial Review on Seven West presses in Perth. May 8, 2024
"Throughout every step of this process, I have been surrounded by the love of my wonderful family, as well as incredibly supportive friends and colleagues. I can never thank them enough. I also want to say how grateful I am to all the generous members of the public who have approached me almost every single day to express, often through tears, their unwavering support."
Celebrity TV presenter and defamation defendant Lisa Wilkinson outside the court after Justice Lee's verdict in the Lehrmann case ... April 15, 2024
"A Legal Braveheart who is a defender of the rule of law. Sofronoff had the courage to expose legal misadventure of the sort that must never be condoned. He deserves the nation's gratitude."
Rule of Law Institute plugging a forthcoming lecture by Walter Sofronoff with a quote from an editorial in The Australian. April 19, 2024
"Dr Emma J. Jones from the University of Sheffield in the UK was pleased to see that the dialogue had moved on from ways to ensure lawyers survived amidst problems with wellbeing. She noted that the focus had gone beyond that - to being about thriving and flourishing."
Message to the legal profession from the Victorian Legal Services Board and Commissioner Fiona McLeay, following a Wellness for Law Forum, March 21, 2014
"It happens. There's nothing you can do about it. It's life."
President Vladimir Putin on the death of Russian Opposition leader Alexei Navalny ... March 18, 2024
"God created government and the fact that we have let it go into the possession of others is heartbreaking."
Tom Parker, Chief Justice of the Alabama Supreme Court, who ruled that frozen embryos are people ... February 16, 2024
"Your honour should not accept that there's any proper basis for finding that Ms Albrechtsen could be chacterised as an advocate."
Kate Eastman SC for the ACT government in Shane Drumgold v ACT, February 14, 2024
"My own personal view is people have three quadrants of their brain. They have academic intelligence, social intelligence and sporting intelligence."
Former deputy PM Barnaby Joyce analysing the brain of former PM Tony Abbott. ABC TV, Nemesis. January 29, 2024
"We're ... going to place strong protections to stop banks and regulators from trying to debank you from your - you know, your political beliefs, what they do. They want to debank you, and we're going to debank - think of this. They want to take away your rights. They want to take away your country. The things they're doing. All electric cars."
Donald Trump, addressing a rally in New Hampshire, January 17, 2024
"I have only ever found Alan Jones to be a man of the highest integrity. You can quote me on that."
James Packer, The Sydney Morning Herald, December 7, 2023
"You have been the sixth boss I have worked for in my time in Parliament and I maintain you have been the best. Not only are you the first Minister I have worked for that actually takes a deep and abiding interest in the portfolio's [sic] you hold but you genuinely care how you can make the nation a better place to live, its [sic] not just words. I only regret not picking your brains more and seeking your mentorship on how to be a staffer, as I know like me you also began at a very young age. It is nothing but an honour to work for any Senator, MP or Minister but working for you has been a particular highlight of mine. You have an incredible team of staff assembled lead by an experienced and steady pair of hands in Fiona, I hope to see them all becoming the Office of the Minister for Defence post this coming election. I know you are really in your element now with this portfolio and it scares me the thought of having the ALP or anyone else for that matter other than you in charge of the Defence portfolio."
Bruce Lehrmann's grovelling email to Senator Linda Reynolds after he was sacked for "serious misconduct" ... April 5, 2019. Uploaded onto the Federal Court file for Lehrmann v Network Ten, November 24, 2023
Rupert Murdoch says he deplores "the suppression of debate by an intolerant elite who regard differing opinions as anathema".
He adds: "Lachlan is a principled leader, and a believer in the social purpose of journalism." [Except when he he's suing other journalists and media organisations.]
Rupert Murdoch stepping down as co-chairman of News Corp at the company's AGM. November 17, 2023
"Today I am warning our legislators and leaders that it is their entitlement that is the problem."
Joe Hockey, former ambassador and politician ... on the public teat for at least 27 years (and continuing). Speaking at the Institute for Economic Affairs, London, October 24, 2023
"We are one of, if not the greatest nation on earth."
Senator Jacinta Nampijinpa Price, celebrating the No victory in the constitutional Voice referendum ... Saturday, October 14, 2023
"Just to sit there and watch him eat a lamb chop was an honour ..."
Graham Richardson, Labor rat, with a memory of Rupert Murdoch ... Sky News, September 22, 2023
"Self-serving bureaucracies are seeking to silence those who would question their provenance and purpose. Elites have open contempt for those who are not members of their rarefied class. Most of the media is in cahoots with those elites, peddling political narratives rather than pursuing the truth."
Rupert Murdoch signing off from the boards of Fox and News Corp and taking up the new position of "chairman emeritus". September 21, 2023
"It's rubbish in, rubbish out, and in this case, rubbish all about ... this is an ever shrinking cycle of sanity surrounded by a reservoir of rubbish ... it will evolve into essentially a maggot-ridden mind mound."
News Corp CEO Robert Thomson talking about the impact of AI on journalism ... Many thought he could just as easily be talking about the Murdoch press ... Goldman Sachs Communacopia Conference, San Francisco, September 7, 2023
"I have apologised to Corey for what I said and would not like to make public comment at the risk of causing him further hurt."
Amanda Vanstone, presenter of Radio National's Counterpoint after Cory Tutt, the founder of Deadly Science, heard her refer to him off air as a "fuckwit". The ABC said Vanstone is to be "counselled by managers" ... The Guardian, September 1, 2023
"I'm getting a little bit sick of Welcomes to Country because it belongs to all of us, not just to some of us ...
And I'm getting a little bit tired of seeing the flag of some of us flown equally with the flag of all of us. And I just think that the longer this goes on, the more divisive and the more difficult and the more dangerous that it's getting now." [sic]
Former Prime Minister Tony Abbott, speaking at a gathering of Victorian Liberal MPs. August 8, 2023
"... there has yet to be any scientifically proven link demonstrating that atmospheric CO is a driver of global warming."
Piers Akerman, columnist in the Sydney Sunday Telegraph. July 15, 2023
"Any hint in print that Roberts-Smith was under investigation for any alleged misconduct or breach of duty in Afghanistan will be a most despicable and indefensible defamation."
Mark O'Brien, Ben Roberts-Smith defamation lawyer, in an email to journalist Nick McKenzie after he first approached the SAS soldier via LinkedIn. Reported in The Sydney Morning Herald, June 24, 2023
"On Monday evening, I attended a reception at Government House to mark the Coronation of their Majesties King Charles III and Queen Camilla. In her typically polished style, the Governor, Her Excellency the Hon. Linda Dessau AC CVO, gave a speech about her attendance at the Coronation in London and some of the charitable activities that her Excellency and Mr Howard AM KC have recently participated in as part of the Big Help Out."
Sam Hay KC, President of the Victorian Bar, in his message to members. June 2, 2023
"I expressed my great disappointment, because we had plans. And I may have shed a tear with her. It was sad."
Michael Hawkins, registrar of the AAT, at Senate estimates on the sudden resignation of president Fiona Meagher. The Financial Review, May 24, 2023
"On a professional level, I admire Lachlan [Murdoch] because I think he's got all the characteristics of a good leader ... I think he's intelligent. I think he's strong. I think he's decisive."
Edwina McCann, Murdoch employee and friend. The Financial Review, May 7, 2023
"Murdoch presenters and journalists get lots of freedom to say what they think. That's why there's more difference of opinion on Sky News or this newspaper than on the ABC."
Andrew Bolt, discussing the sacking of Tucker Carlson. The Herald-Sun, April 27, 2023
"This settlement reflects Fox's continued commitment to the highest journalistic standards."
Announcement from Fox Corporation following its $US787.5 million settlement with Dominion Voting Systems. April 19, 2023
"The Attorney (Mark Dreyfus) is like Stalin's henchman, Lavrenty Beria, who says, 'You find me the man, I'll find you the crime'. He doesn't care whether the people he is targeting are qualified or not. What he really wants is a supine tribunal that will rubber stamp the decisions of the Labor Party."
The then Opposition Shadow AG, Julian Leeser, criticising the government's decision to make merit based appointments to the AAT ... As of last year, the AAT has 67,720 cases awaiting finalisation .. Reported in The Sydney Morning Herald, April 14, 2023
"We’re both looking forward to spending the second half of our lives together."
Rupert Murdoch, 92, announcing his latest engagement and forthcoming marriage to Ann Lesley Smith, 66. March 20, 2023 ... Abandoned a fortnight later
"Madam, you will not be permitted to breastfeed a baby in court. I’m sorry. I will have to ask you to leave. It will be a distraction for the jury at the very least."
News report of an unnamed judge removing a woman and her baby from the County Court of Victoria ... March 9, 2023
"Where's the impartiality on the coverage? It didn't look like impartial coverage to me."
Sophie Elsworth, media writer on The Australian, discussing with Chris Kenny the ABC's reporting on the Mardi Gras parade ... Sky News February 28, 2023
"It's time for Dr Lowe to put his finger out the window and smell the breeze."
David Littleproud, National Party leader, commenting on the Reserve Bank's latest increase in interest rates. February 16, 2023
James Comer (R-Kt, Chairman of the House Oversight Committee: "We're investigating the Biden family for influence peddling."
Pamela Brown (CNN): "But why not investigate the Trump family for the same?"
Comer: "We have no evidence."
Brown: "What evidence do you have for Biden?"
Comer: That's what we're investigating."
Interview on CNN, January 30, 2023
"Our bodies are extraordinary when you think about it."
Taryn Brumfitt, body image advocate and Australian of the Year for 2023. The Sydney Morning Herald, January 28, 2023
"I never claimed to be Jewish. I am Catholic. Because I learned my maternal family had a Jewish background I said I was 'Jew-ish'."
US Congressman George Santos, exposed as a fabulist and fantisist, after claiming he was "a proud American Jew". Interview on Fox News, December 26, 2022
"So if there's a Black Santa at the other end of the mall, and he doesn’t want to have his picture taken with a [black] child who is dressed up in a Ku Klux Klan outfit, now does that Black Santa have to do that?"
US Supreme Court justice Alito responding to a hypothetical in a case about allowing discrimination against LGBTQ Americans on religious grounds. December 6, 2022
"MASSIVE & WIDESPREAD FRAUD & DECEPTION ... throw the Presidential Election Results of 2020 OUT and declare the RIGHTFUL WINNER, or ... have a NEW ELECTION ...
"A Massive Fraud of this type and magnitude allows for the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution. Our great 'Founders' did not want, and would not condone, False & Fraudulent Elections!"
Donald Trump on "Truth Social" calling for a distatorship. December 3, 2022
"This astonishing change strikes at the heart of the criminal justice system's foundational principle: the rule of law. It's rushed introduction moves the goalposts for the DPP making a retrial of one defendant, in particular, easier. This alone ought to send a shiver down our collective spine. What's next? A change to the burden of proof? Abolishing the right to silence. And who's next after Lehrmann?"
Janet Albrechtsen getting hot under the collar about an amendment to the ACT Evidence Act, allowing a witness's recorded evidence to be used at a retrial. Incidentally, this provision is well established under state laws. The Australian, November 17, 2022
"Bankers and financial commentators liken him to a 2022 version of Warren Buffett, whose selective backing of companies in the last major financial crisis calmed the nerves of jittery investors ...
He's more than happy to criticise the 'scammy' schemes and firms that have given the crypto industry a bad name. 'I think that there’s been, you know, well frankly, a lot of weeding out of crypto projects that maybe never really made a tonne of sense. It has been a pretty bad look'."
The Australian Financial Review's Mark Di Stefano on FTX's Sam Bankman-Fried, October 28, 2022 ... A fortnight later the "young rich lister" filed for bankruptcy
"I think what brought Boris Johnson down was the untidiness and indeed occasionally the recklessness with which he went about the job. You won't see any evidence of that on Liz Truss’ part."
George Brandis waxing lyrical about Liz Truss on the ABC - September 5, 2022. Liz Truss lasted 44 days as the British PM
Liz Truss is a favourite among those people [the Tory rank and file]. She reaches them in a way that Rishi Sunak can’t. They can relate to her – familiar, friendly, likeable. Just like them. She is the girl next door. Not too glamorous ... Not quite as smart as Rishi, but perfectly smart enough ...
Much more important than academic credentials, Truss talks the Tories’ language. She knows which buttons to press. In particular, she talks about freedom: freedom of choice, freedom of speech, freedom from political correctness, freedom from big government, freedom from high taxes"
George Brandis waxing lyrical about Liz Truss in The Sydney Morning Herald, July 21, 2022. Liz Truss lasted 44 days as the British PM
"I'm not a fan of the Essendon football club, being a Crows supporter, but the way they sacked the CEO because he was a Christian will go down in history as one of the important stepping stones towards the new illiberalism."
Alexander (Bunter) Downer, former foreign minister, analysing the threat to democracy ... Australian Financial Review, October 10, 2022
"Liberty Corrie, from Suffolk, was standing outside the palace gates when Queen Elizabeth II's death was announced. She broke down as soon as she heard.
'Me and my brother looked at eath other. He was crying. I was crying. We were just in shock,' she said.
'It was very surreal. I've always looked up to her, especially for a woman in such a high position'."
ABC News report. September 9, 2022
"Thank you for putting your faith in me to lead our great Conservative Party - the greatest political party on earth."
Newly elected British PM, Liz Truss. September 5, 2022
"I always thought the time for morning teas was after you've won the war, because I'm pretty sure in other countries at the moment they're not having woke morning teas; they're getting on with how they can protect and defend their country."
Opposition Leader Peter Dutton, critical of the government's decision to allow defence personel to celebrate diversity and cultural issues over "rainbow-themed" morning tea ... August 25, 2022
"[There was] a clear expectation established in the public's mind, certainly in the media's mind, and absolutely certainly in the mind of the opposition ... that I, as prime minister, was responsible pretty much for every single thing that was going on.
"Every drop of rain, every strain of the virus, everything that occurred over that period of time."
Former prime minister Scott Morrison explaining why he wanted to be secretly sworn in to multiple portfolios ... August 17, 2022
"You're making me out to be corrupt."
John Barilaro, former deputy premier of NSW, at a parliamentary investigation into his New York trade envoy job-creation scheme ... August 8, 2022
"All of this anxiousness, all of this anxiety ... all of this feeling about the bills that are pouring in, all of this feeling about the anxiety, and then the oil of God, the ointment of God, comes on this situation and releases you, if you will have it, and receive His gift."
Former prime minister Scott Morrision speaking at the Margaret Court Pentecostal Church, Perth. July 17, 2022
"Nobody - rivals, opponents, commentators - has ever really been able to get a fix on the unique chemistry which made Johnson so appealling."
George Brandis, former High Commissioner to the UK, with his assessment of outgoing prime minister Boris Johnson. The Sydney Morning Herald, July 7, 2022
"My experience from more than 30 years as a judge has shown me that anyone taking the judicial oath takes it very much to heart. A judge's loyalty is to the rule of law, not the political party that helped to secure his or her appointment."
Outgoing US Supreme Court judge Stephen Breyer in his book The Authority of the Court and the Perils of Politics - to which the New York Times reviewer added, "OK, Breyer, if you say so". July 2, 2022
"In any case, the public scrutiny of federal politicians today is much more intense than for their state counterparts, courtesy of a better-resourced and more forensic press gallery and a question time that voters actually watch. Be honest. How often do you watch a question time in a state parliament or see those MPs on Insiders or Sky?"
Former deputy prime minister Barnaby Joyce, arging that there is no need for a National Integrity Commission ... Nine newspapers, June 7, 2022
"It's almost a sense of ... we have a right to go to the middle whichever way we want, whenever we like. That is so selfish."
Former deputy prime minister Barnaby Joyce, complaining about the election success of the Indepentent teal candidates. May 21, 2022
"Better days are ahead ..."
Prime Minister Scott Morrison at the Liberal Party election campaign launch. May 15, 2022
"Sometimes you guys [journalists] always see things through a totally political lens. I don't. And Australians don't."
Prime Minister Scott Morrison on the election campaign, when asked whether interest rate increases would be unhelpful for the Coalition's reelection prospects. May 2, 2022
"Surrogacy is reproductive prostitution. It is egregious exploitation of women, both the woman from whom the egg is 'harvested' and the pregnant woman who gives birth to the baby. Breaking the mother-baby dyad is a catastrophic disruption to normal human reproduction and relationship."
Katherine Deves, Liberal candidate for the electorate of Warringah ... The Sydney Morning Herald, April 22, 2022
"Will I be allowed to have a cleaner, or a driver? I don't drive a car ... maybe my stepdaughter will drive. We don't understand how to survive."
Russian oligarch Petr Aven speaking in London after the EU and the UK froze his bank accounts and assets. Financial Times, March 27, 2022
"I have a near religious conviction that we have to make a strong nation even stronger, as quickly as possible. What we see, this is not a movie, not a bad dream. This is the reality now. This Budget is about saying where we make money we will make more, as much as we can."
Tweet from Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce, 1 am March 30, 2022
"The goal of Russia's special military operation is to stop any war that could take place on Ukranian territory or that could start a war from there."
Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, in a tweet issued by the Russian Embassy in London, March 8, 2022
"It was ... 'legitimate political discourse'."
National Republican Committee's description of the deadly riot at the Capitol on January 6, 2021, which attempted to overthrow the election result. February 4, 2022
"So I thank her [Grace Tame] for her time as Australian of the Year and as I say, when you know, if people come to our house [The Lodge], Jenny and I always greet them with a smile."
Prime Minister Morrison, January 28, 2022
Journalist: "Not everyone can afford rapid antigen tests."
Prime Minister: "Some people can, and some can't."
Prime Minister Morrison, press conference, January 4, 2022
"Correctly understood, the teacher's sexuality is not the key issue in this case."
Anglican minister Michael Stead, chair of the church's freedom reference group, attempting to explain that a school teacher was not sacked for being a lesbian, but because she expressed the view that people can be both gay and Christian. The Sydney Morning Herald, December 29, 2021
"Gladys was put in the position of actually having to stand down and there was no findings of anything. I don't call that justice."
Prime Minister Scott Morrison's version of Gladys Berejiklian's voluntary resignation from the NSW government and parliament ahead of an ICAC investigation into her possible corrupt conduct. December 6, 2021
"We should expect young Australians leaving school to understand how our nation is one of the most free, wealthy, tolerant and egalitarian societies in all of human history - and a magnet for millions of migrants ...
Ultimately, students should leave school with a love of country and a sense of optimism and hope that we live in the greatest country on earth and that the future is bright."
Minister for Education Alan Tudge speaking at the Centre for "Independent" Studies. October 22, 2021
"Tim Game SC said Brierley did not realise the material he possessed was illegal ..."
Sentencing submission on behalf of businessman Ron Brierley who pleaded guilty to possession of about 47,000 images of child sexual abuse, involving children as young as four-years-old. The Sydney Morning Herald, October 14, 2021
"For too long the climate debate has been dominated by ideology and extremism.
It has been used as a political weapon, weilded by power players and vested interests and people looking to make a buck."
Ben English, editor of the Daily Telegraph, with an introduction to News Corp's Mission Zero Special Report, October 11, 2021
"Right now, the penny must be dropping for Louise Milligan and the ABC about what is at stake in the defamation proceedings that have been launched by Attorney-General Christian Porter.
"The big issue is not whether the national broadcaster will lose; that's almost a given. It's how badly it loses, how much material comes to light in court and whether the Federal Court will declare that the national broadcaster and one of its most famous journalists were motivated by malice."
Chris Merritt, legal affairs writer for The Australian, in March 19, 2021
"Frydenberg is charming but, strange as it sounds to outsiders, so it Dutton ..."
Niki Savva, Sydney Morning Herald and Age columnist, September 2, 2021
Melbourne "follows Kabul in introducing a curfew".
Tweet from Victorian shadow attorney-general Edward O’Donohue, August 16, 2021
"It doesn't matter how you start the race, it is how you finish the race. It is how you finish the race. We are going to finish this race and we are going to race all the way to the finish line but we are going to do it as Team Australia."
Prime Minister Scott Morrison announing that the vaccine rollout is now a race. August 10, 2021
"Morrison took tough decisions about boat people when he was minister for immigration. He believes that what he did was morally justified and in the national interest. But at times he struggled emotionally with the grim situation. At home with Jenny he was in tears over the moral gravity of the decisions he felt he had to make. 'Do I search my soul and spirit when I make a tough decision? Yes. The Bible is not a policy book. I do believe I did the right thing. It's not that God told me to do it'."
From Christians, by Greg Sheridan. Allen & Unwin, published August 2021
"The government's plan currently is to maximise the vaccination of the Australian population as soon as we can. There is a keen sense of urgency about that and that is where we are focussing our attention right now. At no stage of that plan, under any scenario is that we considered last year when we agreed the national vaccination plan was there a situation contemplated this time of the year that the vaccination would have reached anywhere near the level of herd immunity that would enable sorts of things you are talking about."
Prime Minister Scott Morrison at a news conference struggling to explain why less than eight percent of the Australian population has been fully vaccinated four months after the rollout commenced. June 28, 2021
"I'd much rather live in Australia than anywhere else in the nation."
Acting Prime Minister Michael McCormack, June 15, 2021
"The claims made by the ABC and Ms Milligan will be determined in a court in a procedurally fair process. Mr Porter will have and will exercise the opportunity to give evidence denying these false allegations on oath."
Christian Porter's solicitor Rebekah Giles, when his case was filed in the Federal Court, March 15, 2021
"I don’t want their problems in our streets … If I get engrossed in Palestinian/Israeli politics, I take my mind off here ... I don’t want to see someone else’s turd in my toilet and if you come into our country ... flush it."
Former deputy prime minister Barnaby Joyce on Q&A. May 20, 2021
"No broadcast media in this country is more deceptive, less pluralistic and more politically biased than the ABC."
Uber-right-wing "journalist" Chris Kenny, on Sky News. May 5, 2021
"We don't have a race problem here in Australia."
NSW Police Minister David Elliott, demanding the sacking of a school teacher who asked students to create posters about recent Indigenous history ... The Sydney Morning Herald April 21 ... (Indigenous people as a whole have died in police custody at more than six times the rate of non-Indigenous people as a whole)
"Our clients don't want to hear about us, or talk about us."
MinterEllison acting CEO Virginia Briggs. Australian Financial Review, April 9
"If we need to sit around for an hour or so and listen to an expert in the field saying that this is acceptable, this is not acceptable ... then I think that's a good thing."
Deputy Prime Minister Michael McCormack announcing that senior National Party politicians would undergo "behavioural training". March 27, 2021
"I believe in all the women of Australia."
Prime Minister Scott Morrison, grappling with his women's issues. March 23, 2021
"The problem started when American actress Megan Markle was told William would be King not Harry. It was at this time that she realised that she married the wrong Prince. So if she can't be the future Queen, she'll attempt to take down the institution. The Crown will prevail!"
Former Queensland attorney general Jarrod Bleijie in an outburst of royalist effusion following the Megan-Harry interview with Oprah Winfrey. Twitter, March 9, 2021
"At this stage there are no matters that require my immediate attention."
Prime Minister Scott Morrison claiming that an unnamed cabinet minister has denied an historical rape allegation. Press conference, March 1, 2021
"I've been in public life for 20 years and I pride myself on my integrity ..."
Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton, whose integrity includes rorting public money, special indulgences for au pairs and keeping asylum seekers in indefinite detention. February 12, 2021
"Trump is a bit of a barbarian, but in some important ways he is 'our' (Christian) barbarian."
Cardinal George Pell, from Prison Journal Volume 1: The Cardinal Makes His Appeal
"For 78 years the Institute of Public Affairs has been at the forefront of striving to defend and extend the freedoms we enjoy as Australians. The IPA is the voice of mainstream Australians."
Tony Abbott on his appointment as a "distinguished fellow" at the Institute of Public Affairs, funded by Gina Rinahart and Rupert Murdoch. January 25, 2021
"Let's have trial by combat."
Rudy Giuliani, Trump's lawyer, egging on the mob at a Save America rally just hours before the US Capitol was overrun. January 6, 2020
" 'One and free' is and must be the story of every Australian. It's the way we truly Advance Australia Fair. Happy New Year, Australia."
Prime Minister Scott Morrison on his "one" word change to the national anthum ... Sydney Morning Herald, January 1, 2021
"Feted as one of the great legal minds of his generation, former high-flying Sydney barrister Charles Waterstreet conceded he may be down but remains adamant he can turn around his somewhat shambolic life."
Sydney Morning Herald gossip columnist Andrew Hornery, November 28, 2020
"It is heartening to hear that these matters, which have been the subject of rumours for years, will now be examined by a Special Investigator's Office with expertise and experience to consider evidence not rumours and make decisions based on evidence rather than on unsubstantiated rumours."
Ben Roberts-Smith VC, who is the subject of a war crimes investigation. The media's reporting on special forces in Afghanistan led to findings by the inspector-general of the ADF - news reports that Roberts-Smith characterises as "rumours" ... November 12, 2020
"The Bar Council is now a truly representative body rather than a plaything for commercial silks trying to out-woke each other."
Right wing Melbourne barrister Stuart Wood QC on the all new, inclusive Victorian Bar Council. Financial Review November 20, 2010
"[TV] networks don't get to decide elections - courts do."
Donald Trump's lawyer Rudy Giuliani asserting the unimportance of voters ... (He had tucked-in his shirt at this point) ... November 7, 2020
"Outstanding judges ... outstanding barristers ... outstanding members of the legal and broader Australian communities ... Both have impeccable records ... Justice Steward has a stellar career ... Justice Gleeson will be a major asset for the High Court."
Attorney General Porter announcing the appointment of Simon Steward and Jacqueline Gleeson to the High Court of Australia. October 28, 2020
"In Australia ... there is an implicit and deeply grained public assumption ... that the courts, the judges, are the neutral umpires and not the protagonists. I can't help but compare that virtuous state of affairs with the debate you get in the United States ... about the appointment of judges to their highest court."
High Commissioner George Brandis speaking in London about the virtuous independence of the Australian justice system. As attorney general, Brandis stacked the Administrative Appeals Tribunal with as many party hacks as he could find. Reported in The Sydney Morning Herald, October 7, 2020
"The AAT is not aware of any breaches of the Guide by either Member Harkess or Member Plain, including any that would undermine their ability to be impartial when hearing migration and refugee matters, or that would bring the AAT into disrepute."
Statement from a spokesmuffin for the Administrative Appeals Tribunal attempting to justify two members of the AAT providing legal services to a Liberal Party sponsored court action against the Andrews government's night-time curfew in Melbourne ... The Age, September 26, 2020