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Justinian News

Sofronoff stripped bare ... Deceit ... Betrayal ... Drumgold hung out to dry as a result of Sofronoff-Albrechtsen information "tryst" ... Latest derailment of conspiracies about the prosecution of manosphere darling, Bruce Lehrmann ... Derangement syndrome ... Sofronoff's "serious corruption" ... Devastation among devoted Banana Benders ... Read more >>

Politics Media Law Society

The politics of catastrophe ... Autocrats who were “elected” … Dictators rarely survive in one piece … The fate of Trump as Trumpism turns rancid … Hitler, Mussolini, the Ceauşescus, Saddam … Everything goes swimmingly, until it doesn’t … Sleeping with one eye open … Exile or death ... Read on ... 

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Justinian Columnists

Capital crimes ... Dangerous words likely to be scrubbed from the Trump era lexicon ... Musk and his techie vandals ... The shredder going full blast at the FBI ... Stolen national security documents sent back to Mar-a-Lago ... Cabinet clown show ... White supremacy unleashed ... Consumer protection prosecutions dropped ... Lawyers and law firms threatened ... Roger Fitch from Washington ... Read more >> 

Blow the whistle


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Justinian's Bloggers

London Calling ... Law n Order in Blighty ... King invites the King for State visit ... Grovels aplenty ... Magistrate over does the "send him down" ... Musos strike an angry chord about AI encroachment ... Law shops protect the billable hour ... Floyd Alexander-Hunt files ... Read more >> 

"True to form, the ACT corruption watchdog has put itself at the centre of perceptions of bias with a finding against eminent former Queensland judge Walter Sofronoff KC that serves only to debase the definition of serious corrupt conduct."

The Australian with its unique perspective on "bias" ... March 22, 2025 ... Read more flatulence ... 

Justinian Featurettes

Judgment for sale ... Melbourne University Publishing's decision to produce Justice Lee's Lehrmann judgment as a commercial product is not without its problems ... The omnishambles continues ... Melbourne lawyer Nilay B. Patel explains ... Read more >> 

Justinian's archive

Defamation and other misadventures ... So sexy, said the actress of the Chief Justice ... Daphnis dunks women in hot water ... Another (male) judge frocks-up ... Inside Madge's mouth ... Stephen Archer defamed ... David Levine strangles more English ... Justice Dean Mildren "the idiot" ... From Justinian's archive, April 22, 2004 ... Read more >> 



Justinian Columnists


London Calling

The UK - it's a reality TV show ... Dave Cameron back in ... Prosecutor in trouble for pursuing an affair with the defendant ... Celebrity hacking trial against the Daily Mail pushes ahead ... Supreme Court sinks the Rwanda solution ... Solicitor binned after dangling a job that didn't exist ... HM spells out law 'n' order agenda ... Floyd Alexander-Hunt files from Blighty 

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Evan Whitton

Evan has been a journalist for more than 50 years. He was editor of The National Times, chief reporter for The Sydney Morning Herald and reader in journalism at Queensland Uni. He has received five Walkley awards for journalism and was journalist of the year in 1983 for his coverage of the Street Royal Commission into judicial corruption. He has spent a lifetime hanging around courts and commissions of inquiry. He continues to analyse and compare the adversarial and inquisitorial systems of justice. Our Corrupt Legal System is the latest of his eight non-fiction books.



Revered Justinian columnist Tulkinghorn unpicks the jargon and posturing that glues the legal profession together in its mission to make more work for itself. Everything from the profession's billing practices, special pleading, judicial protection rackets and inequality before the law are in his sights. Tulkinghorn has practised as a private lawyer, a prosecutor and an academic. He also has a fine grasp of legal history and from where the modern law came.


Polly Peck

Polly has been in the backseat of more Commonwealth cars than just about anyone. She's been covering the inside and the downside of Canberra for 20 years and is often referred to as the "Helen Thomas of the Molonglo". The public service, the parliament and the press pack are her beat.


Sir Terence O'Rort

Sir Terence is our Brisbane affairs columnist. He was ennobled by the Bjelke-Petersen government for his services to law, greyhounds, highway construction, and as the internal integrity commissioner for the National Party. He is married to Lady O'Rort, the former Miss Kingaroy Showgirl. Together they have no children. Sir Terence writes about court proceedings, politics and the judiciary for Justinian. He is hot on the tail of uncovering creeping left wing influences. 



The lost great-grandson of Viscount Leverhulme's liaison with Lady Docker sends us missives from London, even though he spends a lot of time on the Continent. The Lever family originally came from Lancashire and made its fortune in soap with such famous brands as Sunlight, Lux and Lifebuoy. Leverhulme was invited by LibDem leader Nick Clegg to be part of his cocktail cabinet, but he declined because he wanted to stay on the wagon. He is often seen at the race track. 


Barry Lane

Barry is a Melbourne lawyer who has worked at the coal face of the law for longer than he cares to remember. Barry has a fantastic nose for a good story. He's written for Justinian extensively on how the courts have come to grips with corporate shenanigans, legislation affecting personal injury and professional misconduct. He's also a member of Gamblers Anonymous and is keen student of ikebana


Roger Fitch, Esq.

Roger is Justinian's man in Washington. An expert on the law of war he's tracked both the Bush and Obama administrations flawed efforts to create a legal framework to bring "enemy combatants" and detainees "to justice". He's up to his neck surveying the Trump administration and the US Supreme Court. 


William Collins

William is a prominent Melbourne lawyer and patron of the arts. Associate to Sir Keith Aickin he went on to have a distinguished career in an out of private practice. He was the legal brains driving many of the reforms of the Kennett government. He's a keen observer of law, litigation and politics. 


Stephen Keim SC.

Stephen practises at the Brisbane bar. He represented Indian born doctor Mohamed Haneef in his application for judicial review of a government decision to revoke his Australian visa. Controversially, he leaked to the press the AFP record of interview with Haneef shortly after the doctor was arrested on suspicion of having terrorist connections. Stephen is national president of Australian Lawyers for Human Rights.

Stephen Keim on Wikipedia | On Line Opinion | ABC Lateline Interview | YouTube